All Projects.

Would you like to Submit a project?

Project submissions are for researchers, students and partners of the TU Delft | Water For Impact. You will be taken to a page where you can fill in the appropriate information. Thanks!


The following gallery exhibits all the projects. Feel free to explore using the filtering option at the top left of the portal. For example you might want to explore by specific water theme, continent or status. We have built strong interdisciplinary relationships with a wide variety of stakeholders, so there is lots to explore!

Education Programmes

We have already filtered some galleries for you to explore. Below you will find completed and ongoing projects by BSc, MSc and PhD research projects.

Bachelor Projects.

Masters Projects.

PhD Projects.

Would you like to collaborate on a project?

Submit a completed project, send in your own story or use the directory to reach out to water researchers at the TU Delft. Lets work together!